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ieegio supports reading from multiple data formats, such as EDF(+)/BDF(+), BrainVision, BCI2000, BlackRock NEV/NSx. Most of these readers have similar interface.

To start, please load ieegio. This vignette uses sample data. Please feel free to replace the sample path with your own data path.

edf_path <- ieegio_sample_data("edfPlusD.edf")

Here is a basic example that reads in the sample EDF data and creates a FileCache object that stores the signals channel-by-channel for fast access:

edf <- read_edf(edf_path, verbose = FALSE)
#> Superclass FileCache has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass ieegio_EBDFCache has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for ieegio_EBDFCache.
#> <ieegio::EBDFCache>
#>   File type  : EDF+
#>   Patient    : X X X X
#>   Recording  : Startdate 10-DEC-2009 X X test_generator
#>   Start time : 2009-12-10 12:44:02
#>   Continuous recording  : FALSE
#>   Loaded channels       : n=11
#>     Signal channels     : 1-11
#>     Annotation channels :

You can check header, channel table, and annotations via the following methods:

header <- edf$get_header()
#> List of 12
#>  $ file_type           : chr [1:2] "EDF" "EDF+D"
#>  $ version             : chr "0"
#>  $ is_plus             : logi TRUE
#>  $ header_length       : int 3328
#>  $ sampling_bits       : num 16
#>  $ recording_id        : chr "Startdate 10-DEC-2009 X X test_generator"
#>  $ patient             : chr "X X X X"
#>  $ continuous_recording: logi FALSE
#>  $ n_records           : int 11
#>  $ record_duration     : num 1
#>  $ start_time          : POSIXlt[1:1], format: "2009-12-10 12:44:02"
#>  $ n_channels          : int 12
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr "ieegio_edf_header_basic"

chan_tbl <- edf$get_channel_table()
print(chan_tbl, nrows = 2, topn = 2)
#>     Channel           Label Annotation TransducerType   Unit Filter
#>       <int>          <char>     <lgcl>         <char> <char> <char>
#>  1:       1      squarewave      FALSE                    uV       
#>  2:       2            ramp      FALSE                    uV       
#> ---                                                                
#> 11:      11      sine 50 Hz      FALSE                    uV       
#> 12:      12 EDF Annotations       TRUE                             
#>     SamplesPerRecord SampleRate      Slope  Intercept DigitalMin DigitalMax
#>                <num>      <num>      <num>      <num>      <num>      <num>
#>  1:              200        200 0.03051804 0.01525902     -32768      32767
#>  2:              200        200 0.03051804 0.01525902     -32768      32767
#> ---                                                                        
#> 11:              200        200 0.03051804 0.01525902     -32768      32767
#> 12:               51         51 1.00000000 0.00000000     -32768      32767
#>     PhysicalMin PhysicalMax Comment
#>           <num>       <num>  <char>
#>  1:       -1000        1000        
#>  2:       -1000        1000        
#> ---                                
#> 11:       -1000        1000        
#> 12:          -1           1

annot <- edf$get_annotations()
#> <fst file>
#> 11 rows, 4 columns (annot.fst)
#>    timestamp duration     comments   channel
#>     <double> <double>  <character> <integer>
#> 1          0       NA RECORD START        12
#> 2          2       NA                     12
#> 3          4       NA                     12
#> 4          5       NA                     12
#> 5          6       NA                     12
#> 6          7       NA                     12
#> 7          8       NA                     12
#> 8          9       NA                     12
#> 9         12       NA                     12
#> 10        15       NA                     12
#> 11        19       NA                     12

You can also query a channel by calling the get_channel method.

# get Channel 1
channel <- edf$get_channel(1)
#> E/BDF(+) signal
#>   Channel    : 1
#>   label      : squarewave
#>   Unit       : uV
#>   Sample rate: 200.0
#>   Continuous : no
#>   Number of timepoints: 2200
#>   Time range : 0.0 to 20.0 sec

The channel contains the following elements:

  • type: a character indicating the original file type;
  • info: list of basic information such as Channel number, Label, acquisition SampleRate, and Unit of the signals;
  • continuous: a logical value whether the time frames are continuous;
  • time: a numeric vector of time in seconds for each point;
  • value: a numeric vector of the signal value, often converted from digital to analog trace.

Using such information, it is straightforward to plot the channel data:

  x = channel$time, y = channel$value,
  xlab = "Time", ylab = channel$info$Unit,
  main = channel$info$Label,
  type = "p", pch = ".", col = "green", lwd = 2