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For each point in the query, find the nearest k points in target using K-D tree.


vcg_kdtree_nearest(target, query, k = 1, leaf_size = 16, max_depth = 64)



a matrix with n rows (number of points) and 2 or 3 columns, or a mesh3d object. This is the target point cloud where nearest distances will be sought


a matrix with n rows (number of points) and 2 or 3 columns, or a mesh3d object. This is the query point cloud where for each point, the nearest k points in target will be sought.


positive number of nearest neighbors to look for


the suggested leaf size for the K-D tree; default is 16; larger leaf size will result in smaller depth


maximum depth of the K-D tree; default is 64


A list of two matrices: index is a matrix of indices of target points, whose distances are close to the corresponding query point. If no point in target is found, then NA will be presented. Each distance is the corresponding distance from the query point to the target point.


# Find nearest point in B with the smallest distance for each point in A


n <- 10
A <- matrix(rnorm(n * 2), nrow = n)
B <- matrix(rnorm(n * 4), nrow = n * 2)
result <- vcg_kdtree_nearest(
  target = B, query = A,
   k = 1

  rbind(A, B),
  pch = 20,
  col = c(rep("red", n), rep("black", n * 2)),
  xlab = "x",
  ylab = "y",
  main = "Black: target; Red: query"

nearest_points <- B[result$index, ]
arrows(A[, 1],
       A[, 2],
       nearest_points[, 1],
       nearest_points[, 2],
       col = "red",
       length = 0.1)

# ---- Sanity check ------------------------------------------------
nearest_index <- apply(A, 1, function(pt) {
  which.min(colSums((t(B) - pt) ^ 2))

result$index == nearest_index
#>       [,1]
#>  [1,] TRUE
#>  [2,] TRUE
#>  [3,] TRUE
#>  [4,] TRUE
#>  [5,] TRUE
#>  [6,] TRUE
#>  [7,] TRUE
#>  [8,] TRUE
#>  [9,] TRUE
#> [10,] TRUE