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Generates a function to be passed to reg.finalizer


shared_finalizer(x, key, fin, onexit = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for default
shared_finalizer(x, key, fin, onexit = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for R6
shared_finalizer(x, key, fin, onexit = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for fastmap
shared_finalizer(x, key, fin, onexit = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for fastmap2
shared_finalizer(x, key, fin, onexit = FALSE, ...)



object to finalize


characters that should be identical if finalization method is to be shared


Shared finalization: function to call on finalization; see reg.finalizer. See details.


logical: should the finalization be run if the object is still uncollected at the end of the R session? See reg.finalizer


passed to other methods


The main purpose of this function is to allow multiple objects that point to a same source (say a temporary file) to perform clean up when all the objects are garbage collected.

Base function reg.finalizer provides finalization to to garbage collect single R environment. However, when multiple environments share the same file, finalizing one single environment will result in removing the file so that all the other environment lose the reference. (See example "Native reg.finalizer fails example")

The argument of fin varies according to different types of x. For environments, fin contains and only contains one parameter, which is the environment itself. This is the same as reg.finalizer. For R6 classes, fin is ignored if class has "shared_finalize" method defined. For fastmap or fastmap2 instances, fin accepts no argument.


# ------------ Environment example ------------
file_exists <- TRUE
clear_files <- function(e){
  print('Clean some shared files')
  # do something to remove files
  file_exists <<- FALSE

# e1, e2 both require file existence
e1 <- new.env()
e1$valid <- function(){ file_exists }
e2 <- new.env()
e2$valid <- function(){ file_exists }

e1$valid(); e2$valid()
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

# we don't want to remove files when either e1,e2 gets
# garbage collected, however, we want to run `clear_files`
# when system garbage collecting *both* e1 and e2

# Make sure `key`s are identical
shared_finalizer(e1, 'cleanXXXfiles', clear_files)
shared_finalizer(e2, 'cleanXXXfiles', clear_files)

# Now remove e1, files are not cleaned, and e2 is still valid
rm(e1); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE))
e2$valid()  # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
file_exists # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

# remove both e1 and e2, and file gets removed
rm(e2); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE))
#> [1] "Clean some shared files"
file_exists  # FALSE
#> [1] FALSE

# ------------ R6 example ------------

cls <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = '...demo...',
  cloneable = TRUE,
  public = list(
    file_path = character(0),
    shared_finalize = function(){
      cat('Finalize shared resource - ', self$file_path, '\n')
    finalize = function(){
      cat('Finalize private resource\n')
    initialize = function(file_path){
      self$file_path = file_path
      shared_finalizer(self, key = self$file_path)
e1 <- cls$new('file1')
rm(e1); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE))
#> Finalize private resource
#> Finalize shared resource -  file1 

e1 <- cls$new('file2')

# A copy of e1
e2 <- e1$clone()
# unfortunately, we have to manually register
shared_finalizer(e2, key = e2$file_path)

# Remove e1, gc only free private resource
rm(e1); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE))
#> Finalize private resource

# remove e1 and e2, run shared finalize
rm(e2); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE))
#> Finalize shared resource -  file2 
#> Finalize private resource

# ------------ fastmap/fastmap2 example -----------

# No formals needed for fastmap/fastmap2
fin <- function(){
  cat('Finalizer is called\n')
# single reference case
e1 <- dipsaus::fastmap2()
shared_finalizer(e1, 'fin-fastmap2', fin = fin)
invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE)) # Not triggered
rm(e1); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE)) # triggered
#> Finalizer is called

# multiple reference case
e1 <- dipsaus::fastmap2()
e2 <- dipsaus::fastmap2()
shared_finalizer(e1, 'fin-fastmap2', fin = fin)
shared_finalizer(e2, 'fin-fastmap2', fin = fin)

rm(e1); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE)) # Not triggered
rm(e2); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE)) # triggered
#> Finalizer is called

# ------------ Native reg.finalizer fails example ------------

# This example shows a failure case using base::reg.finalizer

file_exists <- TRUE
clear_files <- function(e){
  print('Clean some shared files')
  # do something to remove files
  file_exists <<- FALSE

# e1, e2 both require file existence
e1 <- new.env()
e1$valid <- function(){ file_exists }
e2 <- new.env()
e2$valid <- function(){ file_exists }

reg.finalizer(e1, clear_files)
reg.finalizer(e2, clear_files)
#>           used (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) max used  (Mb)
#> Ncells 1279751 68.4    2199297 117.5  2199297 117.5
#> Vcells 2369748 18.1   12159626  92.8 23749268 181.2
#> [1] TRUE

# removing e1 will invalidate e2
rm(e1); gc()
#> [1] "Clean some shared files"
#>           used (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) max used  (Mb)
#> Ncells 1279762 68.4    2199297 117.5  2199297 117.5
#> Vcells 2369792 18.1   12159626  92.8 23749268 181.2
e2$valid()    # FALSE
#> [1] FALSE

# Clean-ups
rm(e2); gc()
#> [1] "Clean some shared files"
#>           used (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) max used  (Mb)
#> Ncells 1279783 68.4    2199297 117.5  2199297 117.5
#> Vcells 2369802 18.1   12159626  92.8 23749268 181.2