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Remove source reference (see srcref) recursively and in-place. Please see 'Details' for side effects.


remove_source(x, verbose = FALSE)



R object


whether to print debug information


Returns the same input, but the 'srcref' attributes are removed


When running under interactive mode (or "keep.source" option is TRUE), R stores the source code that generate the function or expression in an environment as an attribute. Normally the reference data does not affect the results. However, when trying to compare or digest the data, the source reference will be included in the serialization data, resulting in different digests (see 'Examples').

It might be to remove the source data before comparing. One option is to run the script non-interactively or set "keep.source" to false. Alternatively, we could remove this attributes from R objects. R functions removeSource removes source from function and language objects recursively. However, this is far from enough when comparing or generating hash for R objects, since a function, pairlist, environment, or list may contains functions or expressions ( sometimes nested) that keeps source code.

Side Effects and Exceptions

remove_source removes source reference recursively for most R objects. Unlike removeSource which returns a new object, remove_source alters the original R object, allowing elements in the lists and environments to be modified without copying on write. However, this side effect need to be used carefully, if the script depends on extracting the source code. For example, deparse with control = "source" will fail if source is removed.

remove_source ignores the objects that come from namespace (most likely package variables).


keep_source <- getOption("keep.source", TRUE)
options(keep.source = TRUE)
x <- function(){ a + 1L }
y   <-   function(){ a + 1L }

identical(x, y, ignore.srcref = FALSE)          # FALSE
#> [1] FALSE
is.null(attr(x, "srcref"))  # FALSE
#> [1] FALSE

# x is equal to y if we ignore the code generating them
identical(x, y, ignore.srcref = TRUE)           # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

# digest x and y
#> [1] "3eea1c95e870b241e78d9df50ad39182"
#> [1] "bb65dd5bef00f30a902975f832284cf4"
digest(x) == digest(y)      # FALSE
#> [1] FALSE


identical(x, y)             # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
is.null(attr(x, "srcref"))  # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
digest(x) == digest(y)      # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

## Not example below
# reset this example options
options(keep.source = keep_source)