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Getting Started


Install from pypi:

# Bare minimal
pip install threebrainpy

Simple example

Launch Python with your favorite editor, run the following Python commands. If you don't have FreeSurfer installed, replace path with any fs subject. If you don't have any, go to sample templates and download one.

import os
from threebrainpy.core import Brain

# You can replace `path` with any FreeSurfer-generated subject folder
path = os.path.join(os.environ["FREESURFER_HOME"], "subjects", "fsaverage")

brain = Brain(os.path.basename(path), path)

Example: add electrodes

Easiest way to add electrodes is via a csv table. Here is a toy-example table. A bare-minimal table should contain at lease 5 columns (case-sensitive!):

Electrode T1R T1A T1S Label
int (start from 1) float (T1 MRI R) float (T1 MRI A) float (T1 MRI S) str

Other coordinate systems are also supported. See documentation for details:

  • Coord_x, Coord_y, Coord_z: coordinates in fsaverage RAS space (tkrRAS)
  • T1R, T1A, T1S: coordinates in T1 MRI space (scanner RAS)
  • MNI305_x, MNI305_y, MNI305_z: coordinates in MNI305 space
  • MNI152_x, MNI152_y, MNI152_z: coordinates in MNI152 space
# Read electrodes.csv from github
electrode_path = ""

You can pass the pandas dataframe to brain.add_electrodes as well. For example,

import pandas as pd
table = pd.read_csv(electrode_path)

Example: add iEEG data

The easiest way to add iEEG data is via a csv table. Here is a toy-example table. A bare-minimal table should contain at lease 2 columns:

Electrode Data (you can rename it)
int (electrode name) float or str (data value)

Other key-columns are:

  • Subject (used when you have multiple subjects)
  • Time (used when you have animation)

You must add electrodes first before setting contact values. Otherwise, the values will be dropped.

# brain.add_electrodes(table=table)
value_path = ""

A complete documentation is here.

Preview of rendering results