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Create a random temporary file path for current session


  pattern = "file",
  fileext = "",
  persist = c("process", "app-session", "package-cache")

temp_dir(check = FALSE, persist = c("process", "app-session", "package-cache"))


pattern, fileext

see tempfile


persist level, choices are 'app-session', 'package-cache', and 'process'; see 'Details'. 'RAVE' application session, default), 'package-cache' (package-level cache directory)


whether to create the temporary directory


A file or a directory path to persist temporary data cache


R default tempdir usually gets removed once the R process ends. This behavior might not meet all the needs for 'RAVE' modules. For example, some data are 'RAVE' session-based, like current or last visited subject, project, or state data (like bookmarks, configurations). This session-based information will be useful when launching the same 'RAVE' instance next time, hence should not be removed when users close R. Other data, such as subject-related, or package-related should last even longer. These types of data may be cache of subject power, package-generated color schemes, often irrelevant from R or 'RAVE' sessions, and can be shared across different 'RAVE' instances.

The default scheme is persist='process'. Under this mode, this function behaves the same as tempfile. To store data in 'RAVE' session-based manner, please use persist='app-session'. The actual path will be inside of 'RAVE' session folder, hence this option is valid only if 'RAVE' instance is running. When 'RAVE' instance is not running, the result falls back to persist='process'. When persist='process', To cache larger and session-irrelevant data, use 'package-cache'.

The 'RAVE' session and package cache are not cleared even when R process ends. Users need to clean the data by themselves. See remove_session or remove_all_sessions about removing session-based folders, or clear_cached_files to remove package-based cache.


#> [1] "/var/folders/3m/p59k4qdj0f17st0gn2cmj3640000gn/T//RtmpOdCora"
temp_dir(persist = "package-cache")
#> [1] "~/rave_data/cache_dir//app_tmp"